The Power of Carrot Salad

The Power of Carrot Salad

The Power of Carrot Salad: Daily Dose of Wellness Inspired by Ray Peat’s Research

Carrots aren’t just for rabbits anymore! These vibrant, crunchy veggies are a nutritional powerhouse, and according to Ray Peat’s research, adding a daily carrot salad to your diet can work wonders for your health. Let’s explore the many benefits of this colorful superfood and learn how to incorporate it into your daily routine.

Carrots: A Nutritional Powerhouse

Carrots are chock-full of essential vitamins and minerals, such as:

  • Vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene): Supports healthy eyes, skin, and immune system
  • Vitamin K1: Promotes blood clotting and bone health
  • Biotin: Essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails
  • Vitamin C: Boosts the immune system and supports collagen production
  • Potassium: Helps regulate blood pressure and supports proper muscle function

Ray Peat’s Carrot Salad: A Recipe for Better Health

Ray Peat, a respected biochemist and researcher, emphasizes the importance of incorporating a daily carrot salad into one’s diet. According to his research, this simple dietary addition can offer numerous health benefits, including:

  • Improved digestion: Carrots are rich in fiber, which helps promote regular bowel movements and prevents constipation.
  • Detoxification: Carrots contain unique phytonutrients that help detoxify the liver and support the body’s natural detoxification of endotoxins.
  • Hormone balance: Carrots may assist in the removal of excess estrogen from the body, promoting hormonal balance and reducing the risk of hormone-related health issues.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: The antioxidants found in carrots can help reduce inflammation throughout the body, potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Enhanced immunity: The high vitamin content in carrots can give your immune system a much-needed boost, helping you stay healthy and ward off illnesses.

Preparing Your Daily Carrot Salad

There are countless ways to enjoy a carrot salad, so go ahead and get creative! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Grate a medium-sized carrot and toss it with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, or MCT oil and a pinch of salt.
  • Experiment with different herbs and spices, such as chopped parsley, cilantro, mint, or a dash of cumin, for a flavorful twist.
  • Add a handful of raisins or dried cranberries for some natural sweetness and an extra dose of antioxidants.

Recommended Serving Size and Considerations

A daily serving of carrot salad can easily be incorporated into a well-balanced diet. Aim for about one cup of grated carrots per day, which equates to approximately one medium-sized carrot.

Keep in mind that while carrots are generally safe and healthy for most people, it’s essential to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or specific dietary needs. For instance, individuals with certain health conditions, such as kidney disease, may need to monitor their potassium intake and should consult their doctor before making significant changes to their diet.

In Conclusion: Embrace the Carrot Craze!

Adding a daily carrot salad to your diet is a simple yet powerful way to boost your health and wellness. With their impressive nutritional profile and numerous health benefits backed by Ray Peat’s research, there’s no reason not to give this delicious superfood a try. So go ahead, crunch your way to better health, and enjoy the vibrant, tasty goodness of a daily carrot salad!


Demystifying The Calcium Shell: Decoding Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Demystifying The Calcium Shell: Decoding Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Hey, health enthusiasts! Have you ever heard of the mysterious “calcium shell”? This intriguing phenomenon, often discussed in the context of hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. So, let’s dive into the world of calcium shells and explore what they are, their implications for our health, and what we can do if we’re diagnosed with one.

What Exactly is a Calcium Shell?

In the realm of HTMA, a calcium shell refers to an unusually high concentration of calcium in the hair sample tested. This elevated level can indicate a potential imbalance in the body’s mineral metabolism, which may lead to various health issues. The term “shell” is used because the excess calcium can act as a protective barrier, masking underlying imbalances or deficiencies in other essential minerals.

Why Should We Care About Calcium Shells?

While calcium is vital for strong bones, teeth, and proper muscle function, too much of it can create an imbalance in our body’s mineral ratios. These imbalances can lead to a wide range of health problems, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Joint pain
  • Kidney stones
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia

The presence of a calcium shell can also indicate that the body is struggling to maintain an optimal balance between calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium – the four primary electrolyte minerals that play crucial roles in maintaining our overall health.

What Does Science Say About Calcium Shells?

Research on calcium shells in the context of HTMA is limited. However, anecdotal evidence from practitioners and patients suggests that addressing calcium shell imbalances can lead to improvements in overall health and well-being. By utilizing HTMA to identify and address mineral imbalances, individuals can take a proactive approach to managing their health.

Taking Action: Steps to Address a Calcium Shell Diagnosis

If your HTMA results indicate the presence of a calcium shell, don’t panic! There are several steps you can take to address and potentially reverse the effects of this mineral imbalance:

  1. Consult with a healthcare professional: Before making any significant changes to your diet or supplement routine, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional who is knowledgeable about HTMA and mineral balancing. They can help guide you through the process and monitor your progress.

  2. Adjust your diet: A diet rich in whole foods, including fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, can help support your body’s mineral balance. In particular, focus on foods high in magnesium, potassium, and vitamin D, as these nutrients play a significant role in calcium metabolism. Also, consider reducing your intake of dairy products, which are high in calcium, to avoid exacerbating the problem.

  3. Supplement wisely: Depending on your specific mineral imbalances, your healthcare professional may recommend certain supplements to help restore balance. Common recommendations include magnesium, vitamin D, and potassium, but it’s important to follow your practitioner’s advice for the correct dosages and forms of these nutrients.

  4. Manage stress: Chronic stress can contribute to mineral imbalances and exacerbate the effects of a calcium shell. Incorporate stress-management techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep-breathing exercises into your daily routine to help support your body’s overall health.

  5. Monitor your progress: Regular HTMA testing (every 3-6 months) can help track your progress and ensure that your body’s mineral levels are moving in the right direction. Be patient and remember that restoring balance can take time.

The Bottom Line: Knowledge is Power

Understanding the concept of the calcium shell and its implications for our health empowers us to take control of our well-being. By utilizing tools like HTMA and working with healthcare professionals, we can identify potential imbalances and take action to restore our body’s mineral harmony.

So, if you’re curious about your mineral balance or suspect you might have a calcium shell, consider getting an HTMA test. Knowledge is power, and the more we know about our bodies, the better equipped we are to make informed decisions about our health.

Remember, it’s essential to work with a qualified healthcare professional when interpreting HTMA results and implementing any dietary or supplement changes. Together, you can embark on a journey toward optimal health and break free from the confines of the calcium shell!


Do you have a calcium shell?

Minerals are thought to be the spark plugs of life.  If your minerals are low or skewed, then your entire body will struggle.  Find out your mineral levels with an HTMA test. 

Copper and Your Health: Striking the Perfect Balance

Copper and Your Health: Striking the Perfect Balance

Hey there, health enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of copper and its impact on our bodies. You might be thinking, “Copper? Isn’t that a metal used in wiring and plumbing?” Well, you’re right, but this versatile element also plays a crucial role in our overall health. So, let’s explore the ins and outs of copper’s relationship with our bodies, and how to maintain a healthy balance.

Copper’s Role in the Body

Copper is an essential trace mineral that participates in various physiological processes in our bodies. It acts as a key player in energy production, immune system function, iron absorption, and nervous system maintenance. Did you know that copper even contributes to the formation of connective tissue, including collagen and elastin? That’s right – it helps keep our bones strong, our skin supple, and our joints flexible!

The Ideal Copper Balance

Now that we know how important copper is, the question arises – how much of it should be present in our bodies? For adults, the recommended daily intake of copper is 0.9 milligrams. But remember, maintaining the right balance is crucial, as both too little and too much copper can cause problems.

Too Little Copper? Not Cool!

Copper deficiency can lead to a host of issues, including anemia, weakened immunity, neurological problems, and even osteoporosis. People living in developing countries are particularly prone to copper deficiency, so it’s essential to ensure we get enough of this vital mineral in our diets. Foods rich in copper include nuts, seeds, seafood, organ meats, and leafy greens. Some tasty examples are beef liver, oysters, dark chocolate, sunflower seeds, cashews, and quinoa. Yum!

Too Much Copper? No Thanks!

On the flip side, consuming excessive amounts of copper can lead to toxicity, which can cause symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and even liver damage. So, while it’s crucial to get enough copper, moderation is key. Stick to a balanced diet that includes a variety of copper-rich foods, and be cautious with supplements or copper-containing medications.

Factors That Regulate Copper

Several factors can influence the balance of copper in our bodies, such as genetics, lifestyle, and diet. For instance, a high intake of zinc can interfere with copper absorption, leading to a deficiency. Similarly, excess copper can inhibit iron absorption, resulting in anemia. By maintaining a well-rounded diet that includes adequate amounts of all essential minerals, we can promote overall wellness.

The Benefits of Striking the Perfect Copper Balance

So, why should we care about maintaining healthy copper levels? Well, keeping copper in check can help prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, which are linked to copper deficiency. Additionally, a well-balanced copper level supports a robust immune system, enabling us to ward off infections and bounce back faster from illnesses.

To sum it all up, copper may not be the first thing that comes to mind when we think about our health, but this mighty mineral plays a vital role in keeping our bodies in tip-top shape. By understanding the delicate balance of copper in our systems and making informed dietary choices, we can enjoy the benefits of this essential nutrient and support our overall wellbeing.

So, the next time you’re munching on a beautiful piece of beef liver or savoring a piece of dark chocolate, give a little nod to the fantastic world of copper and its contributions to your health! Cheers to striking the perfect balance and living our best, healthiest lives!


What's your personal copper status?

Minerals are thought to be the spark plugs of life.  If your minerals are low or skewed, then your entire body will struggle.  Find out your mineral levels with an HTMA test. 

Kayla Howard

Kayla Howard

HTMA Practitioner

Wild wanderer 🌿, sourdough diva 🥖, holistic health clinician, 💊, game gourmet 🦌, trailblazing titan ⛰️, sheep & goat whisperer🐑, and faithful follower of Jesus 📜✝️. 

Sourdough Naan Recipe

Sourdough Naan Recipe

Sourdough Naan: A Delicious Twist on a Classic Recipe with Einkorn

Hey there, foodies! Are you ready to add some excitement to your culinary adventures? Today, we’re diving into a mouthwatering recipe that combines the traditional Indian naan bread with the magic of sourdough and the goodness of einkorn flour. Get ready to impress your family and friends with this scrumptious sourdough naan!

But wait, what’s einkorn, you ask? Einkorn is an ancient grain that has been around for thousands of years. It’s packed with nutrients, easier to digest than modern wheat, and has a delightful nutty flavor that will elevate your naan experience. Plus, it’s lower in gluten and higher in protein, making it a fantastic choice for those looking for a healthier alternative to regular wheat flour.

So, without further ado, let’s get started on our sourdough naan journey!

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 cup sourdough starter
  • 1/2 c milk
  • 2 t. Salt
  • 4 T melted ghee
  • 1/2 c yogurt (or buttermilk or kefir)

For Cooking and Serving:

  • Melted butter, ghee, or oil (for brushing on the naan)
  • Fresh garlic and/or cilantro, chopped (optional, for garnishing)
  • Your favorite dipping sauce or curry (get creative!)

Let’s Get Down to Business: Making the Sourdough Naan

Step 1: Prepare the Sourdough Starter

    1. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients. 
    2. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for a few minutes, just until it comes together and is no longer sticky. Be gentle – einkorn flour is delicate and doesn’t need much kneading!
    3. Place the dough back in the bowl, cover with a towel or plastic wrap, and let it rest for 3-4 hours. This will allow the dough to rise and develop even more flavor.

    Step 3: Shape and Cook the Naan

    1. After the dough has rested, divide it into 8 equal portions. Roll each portion into a ball and then flatten it into a circle or oval shape, about 1/4-inch thick. Don’t worry if your naan isn’t perfectly shaped – rustic is charming!
    2. Preheat a large skillet or griddle over medium-high heat. Once hot, brush the surface with a little melted butter, ghee, or oil.
    3. Place one piece of naan in the skillet and cook for 1-2 minutes, or until bubbles form on the surface and the bottom is golden brown. Flip the naan and cook for another 1-2 minutes, or until the other side is golden brown as well. Adjust the heat as necessary to avoid burning.
    4. Transfer the cooked naan to a plate and brush with more butter, ghee, or oil. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro if desired.
    5. Repeat the process with the remaining naan pieces, brushing the skillet with more butter, ghee, or oil as needed.

    Step 4: Serve and Enjoy!

    Your scrumptious sourdough einkorn naan is now ready to be devoured! Serve it warm with your favorite dipping sauce, curry, or use it as a base for wraps and sandwiches. The possibilities are endless, so get creative and enjoy every bite!

    And there you have it – a fun, tasty, and healthier twist on traditional naan bread that’s sure to impress everyone at the table. With the added benefits of einkorn flour and the irresistible tang of sourdough, this naan recipe is bound to become a staple in your kitchen! Happy cooking!

    Sole Water

    Sole Water

    If you’re searching for a natural and effective way to enhance your overall health and wellness, look no further than sole water. This powerful mineral-rich drink has been around for centuries, yet many people are still unaware of its amazing benefits. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the origins of sole water, how it’s made, and the various minerals that make it so beneficial for our bodies. Plus, we’ll share some fun and creative ways to incorporate it into your daily routine. So, let’s get started!

    What is Sole Water and Where Does it Come From?

    Sole water is a highly concentrated saltwater solution that originates from the Himalayan mountains. It is made by dissolving pink Himalayan salt, which is known for its rich mineral content, in pure water. The name “sole” comes from the Latin word “sol,” meaning sun, as it is believed that the sun’s energy is captured in the salt crystals.

    To make sole water, simply mix one teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt with 8 ounces of filtered water and let it sit overnight. The next morning, you’ll have a potent mineral-infused drink ready to enjoy.

    A Treasure Trove of Minerals: Magnesium, Sulphur, and Potassium

    Sole water is packed with over 84 trace minerals, including magnesium, sulphur, and potassium. These minerals play essential roles in maintaining optimal health and wellness. Here’s a quick rundown of their benefits:

    1. Magnesium – This mineral is crucial for proper muscle and nerve function, blood sugar regulation, and bone health. It has also been shown to help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression (source).
    2. Sulphur – Sulphur aids in detoxification, supports healthy skin and hair, and plays a vital role in the production of collagen and keratin (source).
    3. Potassium – This essential electrolyte helps maintain proper fluid balance in the body, regulates blood pressure, and supports healthy nerve function (source).

    The Health-Boosting Benefits of Sole Water

    Incorporating sole water into your daily diet can provide numerous health benefits. Here are just a few:

    1. Hydration – As a natural electrolyte drink, sole water helps balance your body’s fluids and keeps you hydrated throughout the day.
    2. Improved digestion – The minerals found in sole water can aid in digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes and supporting a healthy gut microbiome (source).
    3. Detoxification – The sulphur content in sole water promotes detoxification by helping your body eliminate toxins and heavy metals more efficiently.

    Fun and Creative Ways to Incorporate Sole Water into Your Routine

    Ready to give sole water a try? Here are some innovative ways to incorporate it into your daily life:

    1. Morning Invigorator – Start your day with a shot of sole water to kickstart your metabolism and energize your body.
    2. Smoothie Booster – Add a teaspoon of sole water to your favorite smoothie for an extra dose of minerals and electrolytes.
    3. Salt Substitute – Swap out regular table salt for sole water when seasoning your meals for a more nutritious and flavorful alternative.

    In conclusion, sole water is a powerful, mineral-rich drink that can significantly improve your overall health and wellbeing. Give it a try and experience the benefits for yourself!


    *Always consult your primary care physician or naturopath before beginning any dietary supplementation. Avoid taking sole if you already have high blood pressure levels or other underlying health conditions that could be exacerbated by excess salt intake.

    Homemade Sole Water Recipe

    Sole water is a simple and natural way to give your body a boost of essential minerals. Making it at home is incredibly easy, requiring just two ingredients: pink Himalayan salt and filtered water. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make your own sole water.


    • 1/4 cup pink Himalayan or Sea Salt salt (coarse or fine)
    • 1 quart (32 ounces) filtered water


    1. Sanitize a glass jar: Before you begin, make sure to thoroughly clean and dry a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. This will help ensure that your sole water remains fresh and free of contaminants.
    2. Add the pink Himalayan salt: Pour the 1/4 cup of pink Himalayan salt into the glass jar. You can use either coarse or fine salt, depending on your preference.
    3. Fill the jar with filtered water: Carefully fill the jar with filtered water, leaving about an inch of space at the top. This will allow room for the salt to dissolve and create the sole solution.
    4. Stir and let it sit: Using a non-metal spoon, gently stir the salt and water mixture until the salt begins to dissolve. Once mixed, cover the jar with the lid and let it sit at room temperature for 24 hours. This will allow the salt to fully dissolve and create a concentrated sole solution.
    5. Check for undissolved salt: After 24 hours, check the jar for any undissolved salt at the bottom. If there is still some salt remaining, your sole water is ready to use. If all the salt has dissolved, add a bit more salt and let it sit for another 24 hours before checking again. The presence of undissolved salt indicates that the water has absorbed as much salt as it can, creating a fully saturated sole solution.
    6. How to use sole water: To consume sole water, mix one teaspoon of the concentrated sole solution with 8 ounces of filtered water, preferably first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Drink this daily to reap the benefits of the mineral-rich solution.

    Remember to always use a clean, non-metal spoon when scooping out the sole water, as metal can interfere with the integrity of the solution. Store your jar of sole water at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, and enjoy the numerous health benefits it offers!


    HTMA & Functional Medicine Practitioner

    Wild wanderer 🌿, sourdough diva 🥖, holistic health clinician, 💊, game gourmet 🦌, trailblazing titan ⛰️, sheep & goat whisperer🐑, and faithful follower of Jesus 📜✝️. 

    Top 10 Foods for Healing Your Metabolism

    Top 10 Foods for Healing Your Metabolism

    #1 Raw Honey

    Based on both research and personal experience with low-carb diets, it’s my conclusion that humans actually need good carbs for proper thyroid function.  Raw honey contains a mix of free fructose and free glucose.  It’s a simple sugar necessary to increase metabolism and burn fat. Sugar is actually the body’s preferred energy source. Your liver needs glucose as fuel to convert T4 to T3.  If you have low thyroid function, adding healthy carbs will help lower stress in your body.  Plus, honey is a wonderfully biblical food.

    #2 Spelt or Einkorn Sourdough

    Sourdough is as ancient as the world.  It has nourished humans effectively since the beginning of recorded time.  It is a low GI carb source, that’s easy to digest and contains beneficial bacteria for your immune system. Because of the longer fermentation time of sourdough, the protein enzymes are broken down into amino acids, making it easier to digest.  Sourdough made with ancient grains like spelt or einkorn is even easy for the body to digest.  Avoid sourdoughs with added oils as these are typically PUFA’s. 

    #3 Gelatin and/or Bone Broth

    Bone broth is high in glycine, which opposes too much estrogen. It contains the amino acids that nourish the thyroid.  Because it contains high levels of calcium and potassium, it aids with sleep and stress.   Bone broth reduces inflammation, helps digestion, and supports the immune system.

    #4 Sea Salt

    Not getting enough sea salt will slow your metabolism, lower your body temperature, and create inflammation and stress.  A pinch of sea salt per day is often prescribed for adrenal insufficiency. Salt is actually thermogenic and suppresses cortisol.

    #5 Coconut Oil

    It is fairly commonly known that coconut oil actually increases metabolic rate and heat production.  It contains the famous MCT (medium chain triglycerides), which means it does not need to be digested by bile salts, but rather goes straight to the liver where it is available as an immediate energy source.

    Coconut oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antibacterial and contains no PUFA’s, which contribute to all diseases. 

    #6 Butter and Ghee

    Butter is a great source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K2 vitamins.  These vitamins work synergistically together and cannot be obtained easily from other sources.  Ghee is clarified butter and works amazingly for frying or sauteing foods. Butter keeps the blood sugar stable by slowing the absorption of starches.

    #7 Free-Range Eggs

    Eggs from chickens allowed to free-range are a good source of protein and fats. The Vitamin A contained in eggs is necessary for the synthesis of progesterone.  Progesterone is frequently too low in women but when in balance will help reduce excess estrogen.  Excess estrogen is responsible for cellulite and fat storage on hips, butts, and thighs and the dreaded symptoms of PMS.  To help reduce cortisol, the stress hormone, be sure to salt your eggs liberally.

    #8 Raw Goat Milk

    Goat milk is the most complete food known to mankind.  It has also been used since the beginning of time.  Goat milk is far more healthy for humans than cow milk and much easier to digest.  Goat’s milk is less allergenic, does not suppress the immune system, and alkalinizes the digestive system.  It is also a rich source of trace mineral selenium.  Honestly, we could talk about goat milk for days! 

    #9 Hard Cheese 

    European hard cheeses are typically 100% lactose-free. This is because within 6-8 hours after the cheese is made, lactose is transformed into the easily digestible lactic acid through the actions of the enzymes of the cheese.  Hard cheese is usually well tolerated, even by people sensitive to milk. 

    #10 Raw Grated Carrot Salad

    Did you know that raw grated carrot helps reduce excess estrogen?  It’s true!  Carrot fiber attaches to any unused endotoxins and helps flush them from the body.  That makes it a great detoxifier and promotes bowel regularity.  For this reason, women are finding that a daily raw carrot salad is a game changer for reducing PMS symptoms such as headaches, cravings, and bloating.